Give Your Teeth the Protection it Needs with Dental Crowns near Rockbank

Dental crowns are caps that are tooth-shaped and are placed as a cover on a tooth to protect it after a filling or restore its shape. It is made from a number of materials that vary in cost, durability, and strength. Getting dental crowns near Rockbank can give you a natural smile while improving the appearance of your teeth.

When Do You Need Dental Crowns?

You can opt for dental crowns near Rockbank if:

  • Your tooth has a crack or is badly decayed
  • Your tooth is broken
  • You have had a large filling in your teeth which needs protection
  • You need dental bridges held in place
  • Your dental implant needs covering
  • You have a tooth that is discoloured and misshapen and needs to be aesthetically improved
  • Your tooth has weakened due to constant grinding

If you need any of the above treated, you can consult a dentist for the best way forward!

Crown Works

How is a Dental Crown Placed?

In order to place a dental crown, the dentist will first ensure that there is enough support for the crown in the form of a foundation. In preparation for the crown to be placed, the tooth is first stripped of a layer to ensure a stronger core. The thickness of the crown will determine the amount of tooth to be removed.

In cases where the tooth is too decayed or damaged, resulting in very little tooth remaining, a proper foundation is built to support the dental crown.

To make sure that the crown fits in right with your bite, an impression of the teeth is taken. This is done through a mould of the teeth which is then handed over, along with the colour of your teeth, to the technician preparing the dental crown for you.

Why Choose Four Corners Dental for Dental Crowns near Rockbank?

Four Corners Dental helps place aesthetic and functional dental crowns near Rockbank to protect decayed or broken teeth from further damage. With the latest equipment to carry out cosmetic and restorative dental procedures, we have the best dentists onboard who offer thorough consultations and advice. The procedures we conduct are not only successful but also cost-effective.

To know about the possibilities of getting dental crowns placed in your case, you can visit Four Corners Dental or enquire about the procedures by giving us a call.

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